Monday, 21 September 2020


 I have been learning to use onomatopoeia in my writing.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Lighting the Sky with Raspberry Pi

Today we read Lighting the Sky with Raspberry Pi, Connected Step by Step. We read about how a school created an electric circuit to make a Matariki light display. We made an electric circuit too.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Reading - Pirates

We have been reading "The truth about Pirates". Here are some facts I have discovered about Pirates.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Little Red Riding Hood There was once a sweet and happy little girl who had a lovely granny. But after Little Red Riding Hood met a fox, they had a race. The fox won the race when Little Red was picking flowers for Granny. Granny would love it because she picks up beautiful flowers but when she got there and saw that Granny was different and she said “Granny what big teeth you have and Granny what big ears you have and Granny what a big mouth you have” and suddenly the fox went gobble, gobble. The coalman and the woodman came into the house. They lit the fire and they went into Granny's room. They noticed that it was a wolf so they killed the wolf and Granny and Little Red Riding Hood and they had veggies and wolf. THE END

Wednesday, 6 May 2020


We have been reading the BFG in class and for writing, we have written a description of the BFG.

He is taller than every single mountain. The BFG is shorter than the other giants
who are bigger than the BFG. He has one floppy ear and one non-floppy ear. His
nose is bigger than Sophie’s head. Some of the other giants can’t come into his
cave because the other giants are bigger than him.
Sometimes the giants pick on him, sometimes they throw him up in the air.

Once the bloodbottler tried to get Sophie. 

Friday, 24 April 2020

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Reading Activities for Anzac Day

I made a diorama of Anzac Cove.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020