We have been learning to write a moment in time.
Once upon a time there was an octopus on the beach running away from me and kept and kept and kept on suddenly it got dragged into the water. It was a shark that tried to get me but sharks don’t have legs. Suddenly it jumped onto its back fin then started to run aaahhhhhh... very slowly. ( 9 hours later ) is that an angry calf or is it a no no no no (bang) who is this unstoppable shark thing, ( talking shark ) so long human, a talking shark ( ?????????????? ). ( 10000000000 hours later ) the shark comes back. I used my karate skills to knock it out , then I got a katana and sliced him up. Then a swordfish hopped out of the water and tried to slice me up like sushi but I made the swordfish sushi. Then I got famous, everyone called me the shark slayer, then everyone came over and ate the swordfish sushi, suddenly a goliath tiger fish hopped out of the water and started to fight, it was as long as my arm and as wide as my fist.